Much like the skin, your flooring is the most significant area of your residential, industrial, or commercial space. Since it occupies a big space in a home, it is only a given that a homeowner considers every decision before settling in a final look, feel, and quality.
One of the many rising flooring trends that are taking the world right now is the dark concrete matte finish. People commonly see glossy finished-floors but seldom a matte one. For this guide, we’re going to talk about the underappreciated beauty of the Dark Concrete Matte Finish on your homes, offices, and more.
Unique Visual Appeal
Yes, there’s something about glossy floor finish that we cannot deny. But, if you want the subtleness yet elegant visual feat of flooring beyond compare, matte finish is something you need to consider.
The Dark Concrete Matte Finish offers an old yet earthy feel to your floor. Not to mention the fact that if you want to embrace the trend of modern flooring schemes, going for the Dark Concrete Matte Finish elevates your floor game up the notch.
Low Maintenance and Minimal Imperfections
Let’s face it. A glossy floor calls out attention much more significant than a room will ever be. Because of this, guests, visitors, clients, and family members visiting your house will either awe in amazement or immediately gasp in disbelief because of floor stains and smudges.
Glossy floor finish requires twice as much cleaning and upkeep than Dark Concrete Matte Finish. Maintenance for the concrete matte finish is lesser compared to glossy floors. So, if you have someone or family members in your house that tends to run or pace around (we’re talking about little kids and pets), opting for the matte finish is a more practical choice.
Durable and Long-Lasting
Going for the Dark Concrete Matte Finish allows you to give your floor a fighting chance against ugly skid marks, shoe stains, and the eventual wear and tear because of foot traffic. Since most glossy floors lose their shine because of the wear and tear, you can expect your matte finish-floor to last longer.
Final Notes
As you explore more creative and stunning applications of the Dark Concrete Matte Finish for your floors, always keep in mind to assess what your home needs and the budget you have. If you can’t make up your mind because of the variety of choices, these two bases will be your tiebreaker.
Don’t forget to consult with an expert service provider to know more about the multiple pros and cons to make an objective decision.
This article was originally published at ItileNT’s blog section.